LibreOffice 4.3 Arrives with 30 New Excel Formulas and Support for Microsoft Works Spreadsheets

1 08 2014


The Document Foundation has announced that the final version for LibreOffice 4.3 is now available for all platforms, making this the most advanced release for the office suite.

The Document Foundation maintains quite a few concurrent branches and 4.3.x is the most advanced version they have right now. This is where all the new features are introduced and it’s usually the version added the most in the Linux distributions out there.

There are other branches available for download, like 4.2.x or 4.1.x, but none of them is as exciting as this one. LibreOffice is one of the many open source applications that are being considered to replace Microsoft software in various city administrations, as we’ve recently seen in Toulouse, France. This puts some pressure on the developers to make the best software possible.

“The LibreOffice project shows that a large free software community can live and thrive without the patronage of a software vendor, to liberate PC desktops. Today, you can’t own a better office suite than LibreOffice, in term of features, interoperability, support for document standards and independence. After many years, LibreOffice brings the control of the PC desktop back into the hands of the users,” says Thorsten Behrens, chairman of The Document Foundation.

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